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Tutorial to Change Font of Nokia symbian series(S40)

Change font with PPMODD
On-stream following files will be necessary for you:
- PPModd. There are two parts of it. First part and second part. After downloading you
should unpack archives and move all files and folders from the second part to the first
- WinHex. You can find it in internet.
I’ll show you main steps and I won’t explain you what buttons you should click. I think you’re
not beginner in using computer. :-)
Main steps:
1. Open PPModd. Open in the program PPM of your phone firmware. Open “PPM in that VFNT”. And the steps from 2 to 8 you must make for all subsections of “VFNT”, but don’t make anything with first and last subsections (for example in PPM of Nokia 6233 you mustn’t make changes in subsections “DIGI” and “OPTI”)


2. Press copy on the subsection

3. Open Notepad and press Ctrl+V (paste)

4. Open font you want to change in WinHex. Mark all (Ctrl+A) and copy in Hex Values.

5. Return to the Notepad and mark parameter “DUMP” without first 16 numbers

And press Ctrl+V (paste)
6. Now mark all in notepad (with changes) and press Ctrl+C (copy). Return to PPModd and

delete subsection which you changed in previous steps

7. Click right button of mouse on “VFNT” and choose “Paste”

8. Your new font will appear as last subsection. Now you must rise it on the place where it
has been before (look at the pictures)

9. When you’ll make all steps for subsections, press “Create PPM” and save it somewhere.
Now you can flash your phone with changed PPM :-)



  1. DUDE, I have some confusions regarding step 5..

    5. Return to the Notepad and mark parameter “DUMP” without first 16 numbers

    what do you mean by it dude. plz elaborate.

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